5th Baltic Meeting on Microbial Carbohydrates 5th Baltic Meeting on Microbial Carbohydrates
Русская версия

Proposed Topics
Structure and databases
Chemical and enzymatic synthesis
Biosynthesis and genetics
Interaction with host cells
Vaccines and diagnostic tools

Confirmed Invited Speakers
Koichi Fukase (Osaka, Japan)
Gregor Hagelüken (St Andrews, UK)
Johannes Hübner (Freiburg, Germany)
Todd Lowary (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
Katarina Mikušová (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Andrei Nikolaev (Dundee, UK)
Francesco Peri (Milano, Italy)
James Richards (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Robert Woods (Galway, Ireland / Athens, Georgia, USA)

For participants

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Important dates

June 29, 2012
Deadline for registration
Deadline for visa support application

July 31, 2012
Deadline for abstract submission